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Management Course for Entrepreneurs


About This Course

Welcome to the Management for Entrepreneurs course!
This course is designed to provide entrepreneurs with the tools and knowledge necessary to successfully launch and manage their businesses in today's competitive business world. Through this course, we will address crucial and current topics fundamental to any entrepreneur.
Our journey will go from how to integrate sustainable practices to how to create a solid business plan. On this journey, we will make several stops; the first one with the Lean Startup methodology to minimize your risks and maximize your chances of success; we will gather information with market analysis to help you understand the market and design your marketing strategy; we will also stop to refuel with information on financing and, along the way, you will discover how to lead, motivate and manage your team to maximize their productivity.
As you will see, we have designed this course to empower you with practical skills and knowledge that you can apply directly to your business project; it will provide you with a solid foundation to achieve your purpose as an entrepreneur.
We're excited to be accompanying you on this journey to success!

At the end of this course, the participant will:
- Will understand the importance of sustainability, know how to integrate green practices and develop strategies to reduce environmental impact.
- Understand the principles of Lean Startup, validate business ideas and adapt products to customer needs.
- will be able to perform market analysis, identify opportunities and threats, and understand customer needs.
- will know how to validate your business project to minimize risk.
- will be able to develop marketing strategies, understand different channels and measure performance.
- Will be able to manage cash flow, budget and maintain financial health.
- Will know financing options, understand how to obtain them and know how to present proposals to investors.
- Will have developed leadership skills, know how to manage teams, and understand the importance of corporate culture.
- will be able to develop a business plan.



Course Staff

Paula Luise Goltzsche

Paula Luise Goltzsche has been working in CESIE’s Migration Unit for five years as a project manager, researcher and trainer. Her areas of expertise regarding migration include migrants’ financial and labour market inclusion, entrepreneurship and fostering digital and transversal skill development. At the same time, she is experienced in the training of professionals working with migrants supporting them in increasing their intercultural skillset.

Giulia De Santis

Giulia De Santis is a 27-year-old young woman working at CESIE as a project manager, whose areas of research and activity implementation is focused on Migration and Youth. She graduated from Roma Tre University in Intercultural Communication with a focus on the Arab-Islamic world, and from Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma in Political Science and anti-radicalisation studies.

Universidad Loyola Andalucía

The team from the University of Loyola Andalucía consists of Rafael Araque Padilla, Jesús Duarte Merelo, Fuensanta Galán Herrero, and María José Montero Simó, professors in the Department of Business Management. They work in the areas of Social Marketing, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. With a broad background in teaching and research, these professors have joined forces to contribute to developing this specialized course for entrepreneurs. Their collaborative approach reflects a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in today's business world. The group's participation in preparing the course material has been fundamental, offering a balanced mix of theory and practice. Their integrative methodology ranges from the most innovative marketing strategies to the most pragmatic aspects of entrepreneurship.

Maria Alexandropoulou

My name is Maria Alexandropoulou, I am a sociologist and during my studies I acquired a solid foundation in social research techniques and qualitative and quantitative data methods. From September 2022 I am working at Symplexis as a project manager of EU funded projects in the field of adult and school education.  The areas of my research and activity implementation are focused on social and economic inclusion of migrants, women's empowerment, and child development.

Tana Haidar

Tana is a Project Manager with a Masters degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Throughout her career, Tana has been heavily involved within the ICT and Programming sector with startups and corporations whereby such modules are greatly important within various professional sectors.

Luis Aranda

Luis is a professional with more than 20 years of experience in international entrepreneurship. He has worked for multinationals in Ireland, Spain, Brazil and Switzerland. He studied Business Studies and holds a Master in Project Management from the University of Barcelona. He is currently active in promoting entrepreneurship among vulnerable groups and young people in local and European projects.

Paula Pain Alba

Paula Pain is a devoted Communication Manager at I&F Education in Ireland, boasting a track record in formulating and implementing communication strategies. With a background in Communication and a Master's degree in Strategic Communication and Innovation, Paula specializes in developing captivating and compelling content tailored to resonate with diverse target audiences across various channels.

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